We would like to invite all children aged 2 and 3 to book their flu vaccination.
We will be running a clinic at The Beaconsfield Medical Centre on Tuesday and Wednesday 17th and 18th September.
There are NO NEEDLES involved!
Information about FLUENZ: the Influenza nasal spray
The Fluenz nasal spray is a “live” vaccine being used to prevent the symptoms and spread of the flu infection in children. NO NEEDLES Involved!
Before Vaccination:
Please inform the Nurse or Doctor if your child:
Is under 2 years
Has had a previous reaction to the influenza vaccine
Is allergic to egg or chicken protein, Gentamicin Sucrose or Gelatine
Is on any immunosuppressive therapy including steroids
Has acute or chronic Leukaemia, Lymphoma or HIV
Has a heavy cold or active wheezing.
Is taking Salicylates (including aspirin)
The light spray is applied up each nostril, the child does not need to inhale or sniff, but can breathe as normal.
After Vaccination
Side effects:
Most common are a decreased appetite, headache, a runny nose or nasal congestion and tiredness.
Less common reactions are a temperature and muscle aches, rash or nosebleed.
Please seek medical advice in the event of a severe reaction.
There is potential for transmission of the live Flu virus after immunisation for 1-2 weeks, so if there is likely to be close contact with immunocompromised patients, then an alternative vaccine should be considered.
Please do not book an appointment or attend the walk in clinic if you have not been invited as you will be turned away.